Today’s episode is an informal dialogue about artificial intelligence and the current status of global economic digitalization with Vincenzo Aquaro, Chief of the Digital Government Branch of the Division for Public Institutions & Digital Government at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Biography:Mr. Aquaro is the Chief of the Digital Government Branch of the Division for Public Institutions & Digital Government at United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.In his functions he provides support to the UN Secretariat and Member states to promote innovation and transformation in governance, electronic government, public administration and public services, advancing public sector reforms toward more efficient, effective and SDGs people-centric public service delivery. In addition, he is in charge of the United Nations flagship publication E-government Survey and the Digital Government data management team.With more than 25 years of experience on ICT in public affairs, he was recently named in Apolitical’s list of the World Top 100 most influential people in digital government. Before joining the United Nations, from 2000 to 2010, he was the CEO of Formit Servizi Spa, an Italian ICT consulting corporate specialized in project management, monitoring and evaluation of national and local Public Administration programmes.From 2008 to 2010, in partnership with IBM and with the Department of Informatics and Automation of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Roma III, he co-chaired the 1st and the 2nd Edition of the Second Level Master’s Degree in ICT Governance in Public Administration: Development, Management and Monitoring.From 2007 to 2010 he established – with academia and SMEs – and led as Chairperson a Private and Public Partnership Research Consortium (CARMA, Consortium for Automation and Risk Management in Agriculture) The Consortium was specialized in advanced research on risk management and financing for development in e-agriculture and was co-financed by the European Commission and the Italian local government of Apulia’s region. Mr. Aquaro holds a master’s degree (Laurea Magistrale) in Electronic Engineering from the University of Bari, Italy.
About The Author
Mark Minevich and Angelica Sirotin
Mark Minevich is a President of Going Global Ventures Inc., Executive Chairman Digital Pioneers Network, Chair AI Policy - IRCAI under UNESCO. Mark is Digital Cognitive Strategist, Artificial Intelligence expert, Venture Capitalist, Innovation CTO, author & columnist with more than 25 years of experience advising both International Organizations, investors and private companies, business-venture, strategy, and global technology markets. Mark is also a Sr. Advisor to Boston Consulting Group, IPSoft/Amelia, Hitachi Group, Member World Economic Forum, FutureCouncil Member, B20 with the G20 Senior Fellow, US Council on Competitiveness.
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